National Day of Prayer

May 3, 2018

7:00pm – 8:30pm

In 1988, Congress chose the first Thursday of each May as the National Day of Prayer, and the bill was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan.

"Prayer is today as powerful a force in our Nation as it has ever been. We as a Nation should never forget this source of strength. And while recognizing that the freedom to choose a Godly path is the essence of liberty, as a Nation we cannot but hope that more of our citizens would, through prayer, come into a closer relationship with their Maker." - Former President Ronald Reagan

Knollwood has been invited to meet with other area churches to pray together for our country  from 7:00pm to 8:15pm on Thursday, May 3rd, at Burke Community Church

On this day of prayer, we focus on one thing: Praying for America. Let's join as one body on this special day to share our petitions with God. The evening will be broken into 4 parts as indicated on the right. Our country is at a crossroads- which way it goes will decide not only our future, but our children's and grandchildren's futures as well.

Burke Community Church is on the corner of Old Keene Mill Road and Fairfax County Parkway. Hope to see you there!

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